Old Overholt Cocktail (Classic Rye Whiskey Drink)

If you’re a fan of classic cocktails, the Old Overholt Cocktail is one you don’t want to miss. This timeless drink, made with Old Overholt Rye Whiskey, sweet vermouth, and a splash of bitters, offers a perfect balance of bold flavors. It’s a go-to for whiskey lovers who appreciate a rich, smooth sip with a hint of sweetness, standing out among trendy newcomers like the zesty Orange Tea Shot or the delicate Lychee Cocktail. While gin enthusiasts might reach for a refreshing Gin Sonic, those who prefer a more robust flavor profile will find themselves drawn to the Old Overholt Cocktail.

Whether you’re hosting a gathering or just unwinding after a long day, this simple yet sophisticated option brings a bit of history and elegance to your glass, offering a classic alternative to more modern concoctions.

Ingredients For Old Overholt Cocktail Recipe

Old Overholt cocktail Recipe
Old Overholt Cocktail Recipe

Creating the Old Overholt Cocktail is a simple yet rewarding process that doesn’t require much time or equipment. Whether you’re a cocktail enthusiast or a beginner, this classic drink comes together quickly with just a few ingredients and basic bar tools. Below, you’ll find everything you need to get started, including the list of ingredients, the essential equipment, and the short time it takes to make this timeless drink.

Ingredients Required

  • 2 oz Old Overholt Rye Whiskey
  • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
  • Orange twist for garnish

Required Equipment

  • Mixing glass
  • Bar spoon
  • Jigger (for measuring)
  • Strainer
  • Ice tray (for large cubes)
  • Citrus peeler

Required Time

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Total time: 5 minutes

How to Make Old Overholt Cocktail (Step By Step Instructions)

Making the Old Overholt Cocktail at home is as straightforward as it is satisfying. With just a handful of ingredients and a few simple steps, you can whip up this timeless cocktail in no time. The key is in the balance between the bold rye whiskey, the sweet vermouth, and the aromatic bitters. Follow these easy steps, and you’ll be enjoying a perfectly mixed drink that feels like it was made by a pro.

Step 1: Prepare your mixing glass

Start by filling a mixing glass with ice. This will help chill the drink as you mix it.

Step 2: Add the ingredients

Pour 2 oz of Old Overholt Rye Whiskey, 1 oz of sweet vermouth, and two dashes of Angostura bitters over the ice.

Step 3: Stir thoroughly

Use a bar spoon to stir the mixture well, about 20 to 30 seconds. This helps blend the flavors while cooling the cocktail.

Step 4: Strain the cocktail

Place a strainer over your serving glass and pour the mixture into it, letting the liquid flow smoothly without the ice.

Step 5: Garnish and serve

Take a twist of orange peel, squeeze it over the drink to release its oils, then add it to the glass as a garnish.

Tips For Old Overholt Cocktail

When it comes to making the perfect Old Overholt Cocktail, a few thoughtful tips can elevate your drink from good to great. These small adjustments will help you bring out the best in each ingredient and ensure a balanced, flavorful cocktail every time. Here are some handy tips to keep in mind while crafting this classic drink:

  • Use fresh ice: Large ice cubes work best because they melt slower, keeping your drink chilled without watering it down too quickly.
  • Stir, don’t shake: Stirring helps to gently blend the flavors while preserving the cocktail’s smooth texture. Shaking might over-dilute the drink.
  • Quality ingredients matter: Choose a high-quality vermouth and bitters to complement the bold rye whiskey, enhancing the overall taste.
  • Orange peel garnish: Don’t skip the orange twist! Squeezing the peel over the drink releases essential oils that add a refreshing, citrusy aroma to your cocktail.
  • Pre-chill your glass: If possible, place your serving glass in the freezer for a few minutes before serving. This helps keep the cocktail cool longer.

What to Eat With Old Overhold Cocktail?

The Old Overholt Cocktail, with its robust rye whiskey base and complex flavor profile, pairs well with a variety of foods that can complement its bold character.

Here’s a list of appetizing options that work harmoniously with this classic drink:

  1. Aged cheeses (sharp cheddar, smoky gouda) with crusty bread
  2. Charcuterie board featuring cured meats, olives, and pickled vegetables
  3. Grilled or smoked meats (steak, barbecue ribs)
  4. Roasted nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts)

These pairings offer a range of flavors and textures that enhance the cocktail’s depth while providing a satisfying culinary experience.

Whether you’re hosting a gathering or enjoying a quiet evening, these food options will elevate your Old Overholt Cocktail experience.

Serving Tips For Old Overholt Cocktail

To fully appreciate the Old Overholt Cocktail, how you serve it plays a key role in enhancing the drinking experience. From the choice of glass to the final garnish, paying attention to these details ensures your cocktail is presented just right. Here are some clear and useful serving tips to make your Old Overholt Cocktail as enjoyable as possible:

  • Choose the right glass: Serve your cocktail in a chilled rocks glass or an old-fashioned glass. These short, sturdy glasses are perfect for sipping whiskey-based cocktails.
  • Add a single large ice cube: Using one large ice cube helps maintain the chill of the drink without diluting it too quickly. This keeps the flavors balanced throughout your sipping experience.
  • Garnish with an orange twist: For a touch of citrus, garnish your cocktail with a freshly cut orange twist. This adds a refreshing aroma and visual appeal.
  • Serve immediately: Once the cocktail is mixed and strained, serve it right away while it’s cold and fresh. This ensures that the flavors and aromas are at their peak.

Nutrition in Old Overholt Cocktail

While the Old Overholt Cocktail is all about flavor and experience, it’s also helpful to know what’s inside your glass from a nutritional standpoint. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutritional elements in a standard serving of this classic cocktail. Keep in mind that these values can vary slightly based on the brands you use, but this list gives you a good idea of what to expect:

NutrientAmount per Serving
Carbohydrates4-5 g
Sugars~4 g
Alcohol~25 g
Fats0 g
Protein0 g


The Old Overholt Cocktail stands as a testament to timeless flavors and simple elegance. With just a few quality ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, you can create a cocktail that’s bold, smooth, and satisfying.

Whether you’re sipping it at home or serving it to guests, the Old Overholt Cocktail brings a touch of history and craftsmanship to every glass. Its balanced mix of rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters makes it a classic choice for anyone who enjoys a well-made drink. So go ahead, raise a glass, and enjoy this iconic cocktail as it was meant to be savored!


1. What cocktail can be made from Old Overholt?

The Old Overholt can be used to make classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned or Manhattan, showcasing its smooth rye flavor and versatility.

2. What does Old Overholt whiskey taste like?

Old Overholt whiskey has a rich, spicy flavor with notes of caramel, vanilla, and a hint of oak, offering a balanced and smooth rye profile.

3. How much rye is in Old Overholt rye whiskey?

Old Overholt rye whiskey contains at least 51% rye, which is the minimum requirement for a whiskey to be classified as rye whiskey.

4. What is the oldest whiskey cocktail?

The Old Fashioned is considered one of the oldest whiskey cocktails, dating back to the early 19th century, and remains a classic choice for whiskey enthusiasts.

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