Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca Recipe

Thirsty for a taste of something unique and refreshing? Look no further than the Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca. This vibrant and flavorful drink is a delightful twist on the traditional Mexican agua fresca, combining the sweetness of mixed berries with the unexpected smoky warmth of chipotle peppers.

Whether you’re a fan of Chipotle’s menu or simply seeking a new and exciting beverage to quench your thirst, this recipe is sure to captivate your taste buds. Read on as we delve into the world of Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca, exploring its origins, ingredients, preparation, and serving suggestions.


You can adjust the quantities of these ingredients to suit your taste preferences. For example, if you prefer a sweeter drink, you can add more honey or agave. If you like it spicier, you can add another chipotle pepper.

  • Fresh Berries: 2 cups of mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries). Choose ripe, juicy berries for the most vibrant flavor and sweetness.
  • Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce: 1-2 peppers. This is the key ingredient that gives the agua fresca its unique smoky flavor. If you’re sensitive to heat, start with one pepper and remove the seeds. You can always add more later for a spicier kick.
  • Water: 4 cups. Use cold, filtered water for the best taste and most refreshing results.
  • Fresh Lime Juice: 1/4 cup. Freshly squeezed lime juice adds brightness and balances the sweetness of the berries.
  • Honey or Agave Nectar (Optional): 1/4 cup or to taste. If your berries aren’t very sweet, you can add a touch of honey or agave nectar to enhance the sweetness. Start with a small amount and adjust to your preference.
  • Ice: As needed. Use crushed or cubed ice to chill the agua fresca and keep it refreshing.
  • Pomegranate Arils (Optional): 1/2 cup. These add a burst of flavor and a beautiful pop of color to the drink.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (Optional): 1 tablespoon. This adds a subtle tanginess that complements the sweetness of the berries and the smokiness of the chipotle.

Required Equipment

  • Blender: A high-powered blender is essential for thoroughly blending the berries, chipotle peppers, and other ingredients into a smooth and well-combined mixture.
  • Fine-Mesh Strainer (Optional): While not strictly necessary, a fine-mesh strainer can be used to remove any seeds or pulp from the blended mixture, resulting in a smoother agua fresca.
  • Pitcher: A pitcher is useful for storing and serving the agua fresca. Choose a pitcher that is large enough to hold the entire batch and allows for easy pouring.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurements are crucial for achieving the desired balance of flavors. Use measuring cups and spoons to measure out the ingredients precisely.
  • Knife and Cutting Board: These are needed for slicing the chipotle peppers and removing the seeds, if desired.
  • Citrus Juicer (Optional): While you can squeeze limes by hand, a citrus juicer can make the process easier and more efficient.
  • Glasses: Choose glasses that are appropriate for serving cold beverages. Tall glasses or mason jars are popular choices for agua fresca.

Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca Recipe – Step by Step Guide

Step 1 – Berry Preparation

This step is crucial for ensuring that your agua fresca is clean, flavorful, and free of any unwanted debris. Take your time and enjoy the process of preparing the fresh ingredients.

  1. Gather Your Berries: Measure out 2 cups of your chosen berries. You can use a single type of berry or a mix of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries. The key is to choose ripe and juicy berries for the best flavor.
  2. Rinse Thoroughly: Gently rinse the berries under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  3. Hull and Stem (If Needed): If you’re using strawberries, remove the green stems (hulls). If using other berries, remove any remaining stems or leaves.
  4. Optional Step: Freeze for Later: If you prefer an even colder and more refreshing agua fresca, you can freeze the berries for about 30 minutes before blending. This will also help create a thicker, slushier consistency.

Step 2 – Smoky Infusion (optional)

This step is for those who want to elevate the smokiness of their Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca. It involves infusing the water with the chipotle pepper before blending it with the other ingredients.

  1. Prepare the Chipotle Pepper: Start by carefully slicing open 1-2 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. If you prefer a milder flavor, remove the seeds and veins; otherwise, leave them intact for a spicier infusion.
  2. Simmer in Water: In a small saucepan, combine the chipotle pepper(s) with 4 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat.
  3. Infuse and Cool: Reduce the heat to low and let the chipotle pepper(s) simmer in the water for 5-10 minutes, allowing the smoky flavors to infuse. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool completely. You can leave the pepper in the water as it cools for a more intense flavor.
  4. Strain (Optional): Once the mixture has cooled, you can strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the chipotle pepper(s) and any remaining seeds or debris. However, leaving the pepper in the water until blending can further enhance the smoky notes.

This step is entirely optional, but it can add a deeper layer of complexity and a more pronounced smoky flavor to your agua fresca. If you’re short on time or prefer a milder taste, you can skip this step and proceed directly to blending the ingredients.

Step 3 – Blending

Blending is a crucial step in creating a smooth and well-combined agua fresca. Make sure to blend thoroughly to extract all the flavors from the ingredients and achieve a consistent texture.

  1. Combine Ingredients: In your blender, combine the prepared berries, the chipotle-infused water (or plain water if you skipped the infusion step), and the freshly squeezed lime juice. If you’re using pomegranate arils or apple cider vinegar, add them now as well.
  2. Sweeten (Optional): If your berries aren’t naturally sweet or you prefer a sweeter drink, add honey or agave nectar to taste. Start with a small amount, taste, and add more as needed.
  3. Blend Thoroughly: Securely fasten the blender lid and start by pulsing the ingredients a few times to break them down. Then, increase the speed to high and blend for 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is completely smooth and there are no visible chunks of fruit or chipotle pepper.
  4. Taste and Adjust: After blending, carefully remove the lid and give the mixture a taste. If you want it sweeter, add more honey or agave. If you prefer a stronger smoky flavor, you can add a small amount of adobo sauce from the chipotle peppers. If it’s too thick, add a splash of water.

Step 4 – Straining (optional)

Straining is a personal preference. Some people enjoy the added texture and fiber from the pulp and seeds, while others prefer a smoother consistency. If you choose to strain, be sure to use a fine-mesh strainer to ensure a smooth and seedless agua fresca.

  1. Prepare Your Strainer: Set a fine-mesh strainer over a clean pitcher or bowl. If you don’t have a fine-mesh strainer, you can use a cheesecloth or a few layers of paper towels.
  2. Strain the Mixture: Carefully pour the blended agua fresca mixture into the strainer. Use a spatula or the back of a spoon to press the mixture against the strainer, helping the liquid pass through while leaving behind the solids.
  3. Discard Solids: Once you’ve strained all the liquid, discard the pulp and seeds left in the strainer.

Step 5 – Chilling and Serving

For optimal refreshment, serve the agua fresca cold. You can also experiment with different types of ice, such as crushed ice or ice cubes made from the leftover chipotle-infused water. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even add a splash of sparkling water for a bubbly twist.

  1. Chill Thoroughly: Transfer the strained or unstrained agua fresca to a pitcher and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until it is thoroughly chilled. This will enhance the flavors and make it more refreshing.
  2. Add Ice and Garnish: Before serving, fill your glasses with ice. Pour the chilled agua fresca over the ice, leaving some space at the top.
  3. Garnish (Optional): For an extra touch of elegance and flavor, you can garnish your agua fresca with a few slices of fresh fruit, a sprig of mint, or a lime wedge.
  4. Enjoy! Your Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is now ready to be enjoyed. Sip slowly and savor the unique combination of smoky, sweet, and tangy flavors.

Tips and Tricks

  • Choosing the Right Berries: Opt for fresh, ripe berries that are in season for the most vibrant flavor and sweetness. If using frozen berries, thaw them slightly before blending to ensure a smooth consistency.
  • Adjusting Spice Level: The amount of chipotle pepper used determines the level of spiciness. Start with one pepper and gradually increase the amount until you reach your desired heat level. Remember, you can always add more spice, but it’s harder to tone it down.
  • Sweetener Options: Honey and agave nectar are natural sweeteners that complement the flavors of the berries and chipotle. You can also use granulated sugar, stevia, or your preferred sweetener. Taste the mixture before adding any sweetener and adjust the amount according to your preference.
  • Water Temperature: If you’re not infusing the water with chipotle, using cold or chilled water will result in a more refreshing drink. If you’re using chipotle-infused water, let it cool completely before blending to prevent the heat from affecting the flavor of the berries.
  • Straining for Desired Texture: Straining the agua fresca removes pulp and seeds, resulting in a smoother drink. If you prefer a thicker and more textured beverage, skip the straining step.
  • Experiment with Variations: Feel free to experiment with different berry combinations, sweeteners, and spice levels to create your own unique agua fresca recipe. You can also add other ingredients like fresh herbs (mint or basil), citrus zest, or a splash of sparkling water for extra flavor and fizz.
  • Make Ahead of Time: You can prepare the agua fresca ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. However, it’s best to add the ice just before serving to maintain its refreshing chill.

Serving Suggestions

Let your creativity flow and explore different ways to enjoy this versatile and refreshing beverage. Whether you prefer it classic, frozen, sparkling, or with a boozy twist, Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is sure to delight your taste buds and quench your thirst.

Classic Agua Fresca

  • Presentation: Pour the chilled Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca into tall glasses filled with ice. The vibrant colors of the berries will create an eye-catching display.
  • Garnishes: Enhance the visual appeal and add a touch of freshness with a sprig of mint, a lime wedge, or a few whole berries skewered on a toothpick.
  • Enjoyment: Sip and savor the refreshing blend of smoky chipotle, sweet berries, and tangy lime. It’s the perfect thirst-quencher for a hot day or a flavorful accompaniment to a meal.

Fruity Popsicles

  • Preparation: Pour the prepared agua fresca into popsicle molds, leaving a little space at the top for expansion during freezing. Insert popsicle sticks and freeze for at least 4 hours, or until solid.
  • Serving: Once frozen, gently run the molds under warm water to release the popsicles. Enjoy these healthy and refreshing treats on a summer day or as a fun dessert.

Sparkling Agua Fresca

  • Elevation: Add a touch of effervescence to your agua fresca by topping it off with a splash of sparkling water or club soda. This will create a light and bubbly drink with a hint of fizz.
  • Garnishes: Garnish with a few fresh berries and a sprig of mint for an extra touch of flavor and visual appeal.

Chipotle Berry Granita

  • Preparation: Pour the agua fresca into a shallow dish and freeze for 1 hour, or until it starts to solidify.
  • Texture: Use a fork to scrape the mixture, creating icy flakes. Repeat this process every 30 minutes until the entire mixture is transformed into a light and fluffy granita.
  • Serving: Serve the granita immediately as a refreshing palate cleanser between courses or as a light and flavorful dessert.

Boozy Twist (for adults only)

  • Cocktail Hour: Elevate your agua fresca into a sophisticated cocktail by adding a shot of tequila, mezcal, or your preferred spirit. The smoky notes of the chipotle will complement the agave-based spirits beautifully.
  • Garnishes: Garnish with a lime wedge and a chili pepper for an extra kick and a touch of visual flair.

Breakfast Infusion

  • Nutritious Boost: Combine the agua fresca with your favorite yogurt and granola for a healthy and satisfying breakfast smoothie. The sweetness of the berries and the smokiness of the chipotle will add depth and complexity to your morning routine.
  • Toppings: Top with additional berries, a drizzle of honey, or a sprinkle of chia seeds for added texture and nutrition.

Pairing Suggestions with Chipotle Menu Items

The Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca isn’t just a refreshing drink on its own; it’s also a fantastic companion to many of Chipotle’s signature dishes. The sweet, smoky, and tangy flavors of the agua fresca complement various ingredients and textures found on the menu, creating a harmonious and satisfying dining experience.

Here are some pairing suggestions to elevate your Chipotle meal:

  • Steak or Barbacoa: The robust flavors of grilled steak or barbacoa pair well with the smoky chipotle notes in the agua fresca. The sweetness of the berries balances the richness of the meat, while the lime adds a refreshing counterpoint.
  • Carnitas: The crispy, savory carnitas find a perfect match in the tangy lime and sweet berries of the agua fresca. The drink’s smokiness also complements the caramelized edges of the pork.
  • Chicken: The mild flavor of chicken is enhanced by the bold flavors of the agua fresca. The smoky chipotle adds depth, while the berries and lime provide a refreshing contrast.
  • Sofritas: The plant-based sofritas, with its blend of spices and textures, is complemented by the complex flavors of the agua fresca. The smokiness of the chipotle complements the earthy notes of the sofritas, while the berries and lime add brightness.
  • Vegetarian Bowl or Salad: The Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is a refreshing and flavorful addition to any vegetarian bowl or salad. It enhances the freshness of the vegetables and adds a touch of sweetness and smokiness.
  • Tacos: Whether you prefer soft or crispy tacos, the agua fresca is a versatile pairing. The smoky and tangy flavors complement any protein or filling you choose.
  • Burrito: The Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca cuts through the richness of a burrito, providing a refreshing counterpoint to the hearty ingredients. The smokiness of the drink also complements the grilled flavors of the burrito.

No matter what you order at Chipotle, the Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is a versatile and delicious beverage that will elevate your meal. Its unique combination of flavors complements a wide range of dishes, making it the perfect drink to complete your Chipotle experience.

Bonus Tip: For a truly immersive flavor experience, try dipping your chips into the agua fresca. The combination of salty chips, sweet berries, and smoky chipotle is surprisingly delicious!

Nutritional Information

Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is not only a delicious and refreshing drink but also a surprisingly nutritious one. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a healthy alternative to sugary sodas and juices. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutritional benefits:

  • Berries: The star ingredients of this drink are berries, which are nutritional powerhouses. They are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. The specific nutrients will vary depending on the types of berries you use, but generally, you can expect a good dose of vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. These nutrients contribute to immune function, bone health, and blood clotting.
  • Antioxidants: Berries are rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. These antioxidants may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
  • Hydration: Agua fresca is primarily made of water, making it an excellent way to stay hydrated, especially during hot weather. Proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being.
  • Low in Sugar: Unlike many commercial beverages, Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is naturally low in sugar. The sweetness comes primarily from the natural sugars in the berries, with the option to add a small amount of honey or agave for additional sweetness. This makes it a healthier choice for those watching their sugar intake.
  • Chipotle Peppers: While used in small amounts, chipotle peppers offer some nutritional benefits. They contain capsaicin, a compound that has been linked to pain relief, improved metabolism, and reduced inflammation.

Variations and Substitutions

The beauty of Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca lies in its versatility. Feel free to experiment with different variations and substitutions to create a drink that perfectly suits your taste preferences and dietary needs.

Berry Variations

  • Mixed Berry Medley: Combine a variety of berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries for a symphony of flavors and colors.
  • Strawberry Basil: Muddle a few fresh basil leaves with the strawberries before blending for a refreshing herbal twist.
  • Tropical Twist: Add mango, pineapple, or passion fruit to the berry mix for a taste of the tropics.
  • Stone Fruit Fusion: Incorporate peaches, nectarines, or plums for a unique and flavorful twist.

Sweetener Substitutions

  • Honey: A natural sweetener with a subtle floral flavor.
  • Agave Nectar: A vegan-friendly sweetener with a milder taste than honey.
  • Maple Syrup: Adds a hint of caramel flavor to the agua fresca.
  • Stevia: A zero-calorie sweetener suitable for those watching their sugar intake.
  • Granulated Sugar: A classic sweetener that dissolves easily in the agua fresca.

Spice Level Adjustments

  • Mild: Remove the seeds and veins from the chipotle peppers before blending for a milder smoky flavor.
  • Medium: Use one chipotle pepper with seeds for a moderate level of heat.
  • Spicy: Use two chipotle peppers with seeds for a fiery kick.
  • Smoky: If you want to enhance the smoky flavor without adding more heat, you can use chipotle powder or smoked paprika.

Additional Add-ins

  • Herbs: Muddle a few fresh mint leaves or basil leaves with the berries before blending for a refreshing herbal note.
  • Citrus Zest: Add a touch of lime or orange zest for an extra burst of citrusy flavor.
  • Spices: Experiment with spices like cinnamon, ginger, or a pinch of cayenne pepper for added warmth and complexity.
  • Sparkling Water: For a bubbly twist, top off the agua fresca with a splash of sparkling water or club soda.


The Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is more than just a drink; it’s an experience. Its vibrant colors, bold flavors, and refreshing nature make it a true standout among beverages. Whether you’re seeking a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, a unique pairing for your Chipotle order, or a fun and flavorful way to cool down on a hot day, this recipe has something to offer everyone.

So, gather your ingredients, fire up your blender, and embark on a culinary adventure. With its customizable nature and endless possibilities for variation, the Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca is a recipe that invites you to explore your creativity and discover new flavor combinations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use frozen berries instead of fresh ones?

Absolutely! Frozen berries are a convenient and budget-friendly alternative to fresh ones. Thaw them slightly before blending to ensure a smoother consistency.

How long does Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca last in the refrigerator?

When stored properly in an airtight container, this refreshing drink can last for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. However, it’s best enjoyed within the first 24 hours for the most vibrant flavors.

Can I make Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca ahead of time?

Yes, you can! Prepare the agua fresca without the ice and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Add ice just before serving to maintain its refreshing chill.

Is Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca kid-friendly?

The level of spiciness can be adjusted to suit individual preferences. Start with a small amount of chipotle pepper and gradually increase it if desired. You can also omit the chipotle altogether for a milder version suitable for children.

Can I use a different type of pepper instead of chipotle?

While chipotle peppers offer a unique smoky flavor, you can experiment with other peppers like jalapeno or poblano. Keep in mind that these peppers have different levels of heat, so adjust the quantity accordingly.

Can I make this recipe without a blender?

While a blender is the most convenient tool, you can still make agua fresca without one. Finely chop the berries and chipotle peppers, then muddle them together with a mortar and pestle. Combine the muddled mixture with water and lime juice, and then strain to remove any solids.

Is it necessary to strain the agua fresca?

Straining is optional and depends on your preference for texture. Straining removes pulp and seeds, resulting in a smoother drink. If you enjoy the added texture and fiber, you can skip this step.

Can I use this recipe to make popsicles?

Absolutely! Pour the prepared agua fresca into popsicle molds and freeze for a delicious and refreshing frozen treat.

What are some other ways to enjoy Chipotle Berry Agua Fresca?

Aside from drinking it as is, you can get creative with this versatile beverage. Use it as a base for smoothies, cocktails, or even granitas. You can also drizzle it over salads or use it to poach fruits for a unique dessert.

Where can I find chipotle peppers in adobo sauce?

Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce are typically available in the international aisle of most grocery stores or at Latin American markets. You can also find them online.

Recipe Taken

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